Tuesday 16 September 2014

It's a Wobbleful Life

I'm guaranteeing you guys have heard of the famous Indian Head Wobble. If you haven't, it's something foreigners think Indians do when asked a yes/no question, where they wobble their heads left to right, center to front, and in every other direction humanly possible.
The reason I know of it, is because I Google things like 'What foreigners think of Indians'.
Getting to the point, I had assumed this to be a purely fictional thing, because I'd never seen a real life Indian do it before. So imagine my consternation when me and some of my fellow curry maniacs were accused of doing that very thing. Following this, I decided to observe people around me for one entire day. And guess what I found out? It's a real thing, ye potato heads.
We're just supremely accustomed to it, and don't think it's anything out of the ordinary.
Having said that, I think the Wobble is an extremely effective form of communication. It's a great way if responding without really responding. In the following circumstances, for instance:

"Didja do yer homework?"
Wobble Wobble!!

"Didja feed the dog??"
Wobble Wobble!!

"Didja go to school??"
Wobble Wobble!!

"I haven't seen the dog for the past week! Do ye know where it's gone??"
Wobble Wobb....Wobble?? WOBBLE!!!!!!!! ***

So, folks, until next time....
Wobble Wobble Wobble, yeah!

***- RIP Doug the Dog. You will be missed furry much.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Lol kets
    As someone who has been *accused* of head-wobbling, this is so fkn relatable.
    P.S. Do you really Google 'What foreigners think of Indians'? xD

    1. I don't! That was the weird af Ketaki of yesteryear. I'm COOL Ketaki.

  3. Oh my god, does this mean I went to Denmark and back with weird af Ketki??

    1. You did, Jhonve! Couldn't you tell? :P
